Huge tree growing in kitchen didn’t stump Gulfport buyers.
Look past the marble countertops and waterfront view, and there is a giant tree growing in the kitchen with its top sprouting through the roof. Now that tree has new owners, Greg and Linda Simek, who bought the 2,874 square-foot waterfront house for $899,000.
The whole story about “Home with Tree” read at Tampa Bay Times.
” … Not wanting to lose out on waterfront property in a hot real estate market, they quickly put in the first bid for the house. Their real estate agent Natalya Halprin said insurance proved tricky with numerous carriers not even considering coverage. HH Insurance finally found a policy for them contingent on the tree being removed.
They will be paying $6,500 for a policy that would have been $1,500 to $2,000 without such a curious kitchen feature. Greg Simek said he’s been assured the bill will come down once the tree does …”
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